Monday, June 15, 2009

My New California Do!!! AGH!!!

So Saturday, Mom officially declared that I had to get my hair cut once and for all.... So I went along with it and decided to go with her suggestion and get a "Ryan Seacrest" Hair cut...... and I doubted her at first along with my sister.... wasent quite sure what to expect when I did it..... but I decided it was going to be okay. So I had the hair cut and added a "few" more highlights to it... and this was the end result:
It actually turned out waay better then I THOUGHT!!!!

I absolutley love it!! I wish i had never doubted it and just went and did it without any question.... sorry Mom! but everyone in the family likes it a lot.... however it was over processed a little... as the stylist left me to fry underneath the R2D2 machiene for too long.... so now my ears are burned.... but all is good.

I absolutley love CA and I am so happy I am finally here.... I miss my family in MD and I miss my friends a lot also..... but I am really happy here and I know I dont belong anywhere else but California..... and I intend to stay here.... I will always visit MD... but return to live.... NO!
California is now my home and I am very excietd to continue my life here.

I miss you Mommy and Daddy and Andy and Of course my friends!!!!! MISS YOU GUYS SOOOO MUCH I COULD DIE!!!!!!
Write again soon! I'm going Shopping and to Santa Barabra!!!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Only Time Will Tell....

The time to move is almost here and as it inches more and more to the day the more nervous I get from thinking about living on my own back home in California.... I mean dont get me wrong I am really happy to go... but the whole thing about everything depending on me continues to haunt me. Hopefully my brain will grasp the idea and everything will be fine..... but only time will tell.

Today was another day in the life of a Mexican...... meaning me... hahha... spent most of the day out Shopping as usual .... buying some new things for my house and buying some new clothes... since my dad has now cut my Clothing allowence EVEN MORE!!! AYE... QUE CARRUMBUS!!!!
But this way.... I can get more clothes for school since I will not be able to shop for a while. I am still crying over that one........ no J.CREW.... AYE... Shoot me NOW!!!!! And My Stepbrother Sherman Graduated from High School today.... CONGRATS SHERMAN!! Your Awesome!

But I did that and Sent my boxes of clothes that I wanted to send ahead and painting and stuf for my new house that I want to put up..... I have these two aweome painting from Cuba that a resident from the buildng I used to work in gave them to me.... and I absolutley LOVE THEM!!!!
Shipping cost soooo much... but at least the hard part of the moving is now over.... since I cannot take any of my furniture with me... I will have to start from scratch when I get over there. OH WELL

Then I went to hang out with my best friend in the evening.... SO MUCH FUN... as usual... put the 2 f us together.... never a dull moment.... we worked on his ESPANISH proyecto and then just hung out together....

Then came home and started to write out this blog... I need to keep myself up to date on this thing so you guys can all see my life in the FAB LANE!
Still have things that I need to get done but everything will be okay

Till Next time!


Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Moving Day is almost here!

Hello Everyone!

As the tittle has indicated... there is little less then a week left before I move to California.... I am so Excited.... I can hardly stand it anymore.... I cannot wait to finally get out there!!!!
ugh!!! so exciting!!! Everything is gonna be great and I am going to have so much fun living in California!

My first set of boxes of clothes have now been sent to California and I have never really realized the amount of clothes I really have: along with Shoes, Bags and other accesories.... That I always use...... CRAZY CRAZY CRAZY!!!!!

My room is now almost bare and is ready for My brother to move into for himself.... while Andrew's room will be turned into a second library for all of my Daddy's books.... since he already has an office now.... he just wants a library for himslef also.... He deserves it!

Sooooo! In my last entry I wrote about how I got Botox,...... WELL GUESS WHO FOUND OUT!!!
MOTHER DEAR!!!! Great... what a wonderful conversation that was..... what was great is that it was not boring..... it was a combonation of languages..... Spanish and of course English..... She basically thinks that i am the craziset looniest Mexican on the face of the earth because a 19 year old went out and tried Botox..... HAHAHAH!
Well thats okay..... I did it and it was interesting and I will not do it again......... For a long time!
I dont want my Forhead... to look like a Flat screen TV....
Anywho....... Gotta go!
