Monday, June 15, 2009

My New California Do!!! AGH!!!

So Saturday, Mom officially declared that I had to get my hair cut once and for all.... So I went along with it and decided to go with her suggestion and get a "Ryan Seacrest" Hair cut...... and I doubted her at first along with my sister.... wasent quite sure what to expect when I did it..... but I decided it was going to be okay. So I had the hair cut and added a "few" more highlights to it... and this was the end result:
It actually turned out waay better then I THOUGHT!!!!

I absolutley love it!! I wish i had never doubted it and just went and did it without any question.... sorry Mom! but everyone in the family likes it a lot.... however it was over processed a little... as the stylist left me to fry underneath the R2D2 machiene for too long.... so now my ears are burned.... but all is good.

I absolutley love CA and I am so happy I am finally here.... I miss my family in MD and I miss my friends a lot also..... but I am really happy here and I know I dont belong anywhere else but California..... and I intend to stay here.... I will always visit MD... but return to live.... NO!
California is now my home and I am very excietd to continue my life here.

I miss you Mommy and Daddy and Andy and Of course my friends!!!!! MISS YOU GUYS SOOOO MUCH I COULD DIE!!!!!!
Write again soon! I'm going Shopping and to Santa Barabra!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jeff, we are heading down the hill to Carrie's new deck tonight to celebrate the end of school. We'll miss you! Glad to see all is going well. PS, love the hair.
