Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Another Day... Another Doller.... But I need to keep up this blog!!!

Things here in California have really picked up!!!! I recently got a job working at a retirement community in Thousand Oaks, California called: University Village. It is a very sophisticated state of the art comunity as well as very luxurious! its not an assisted living comunity its all independent but functions similar to a hotel with a dining hall, Concierge, Resident Services division and much more. I work as a Host Supervisor in the dining hall of the facility and I absolutley love it! However I dont like that I work an hour away from home. I work in Thousand Oaks but I live in Santa Paula which is north east of Thousand Oaks. Its in the same county but its similar of living in Kensington and driving to Fredrick 5-6 days a week.

However with that Gas Mileage came into question and so it was time to get a more ecconomicaly friendly car. So My Father and I searched for weeks and ended up finding one in Oxnard.... It was a 1997 Volkswagen Jetta TREK edition... which is i guesss there fancy sports edition... but iDK... anyway.... I drove it for the first time and fell in love with it so I decided to go ahead with the help of my father and purchase the car.... Its gets GREAT gas milage and its a super fun little car!!! although the image looks exactly like my own car.... this is not mine... I do not have any photos of it yet but they will come soon!
California is an amazing place full of life and wonder and I really am enjoying my time here as know I am to be here for a purpose under heaven.
I recently recived my calling in church to be a Ward Organist for the Ventura 5th ward... the singles ward which I was totally excited for and am so humbled to serve by helping to make it more spiritual by providing music to invite the spirit to our weekely meetings.
SO CAL rocks and I couldnt be happier right now

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

SO CAL!!!!

So I have been here in So Cal for almost 2.5 months now.... and I absolutley love it.... I could not have asked for better.
So from where I left off.... I am looking for work which here in California is 10x harder then i could have figured but... I have had a few interviews already and am continuing to have more as the days go by...... but I am confidant a job will come soon

My parents came to visit here in Cali as they always do..... and it was amazing... i absolutley love that they came and was overjoyed that they did come.... and when they left.... AYE!!! I miss my mommy and daddy!!!!

My hair has changed about 12 times now to the point where the dresser has said if you do anything else to it your hair will melt off.... She looked at my destroyed damged hair and said...
"this no living.... this dead.... eta Muerto!!!"
I was like...oh
I went from partially blonde.... to a little more.. to Orange
and now I am back to Brown again... well redish brown... because of the blonde its still not its natural color... because of all the other colors in there... oh well..... I have 1 picture of the super blonde... i will have to find itl......

So setting up my new home was sooo much fun..... So my home is a very 70's era themed... lots if golds and B rowns..... and it looks awesome.... Leopard sheets for my bed.... Glass Dinning room table.... and Kate Spade china dishes and water glasses that we found ( my mother and I when she was here) at goodwill for 25 bucks!!!
I was LIKE AGH!!!! They are MINE!!!!1

man I love living on my own its absolutley so much fun.....

and living ini so cal... you actually do see lots of celebrities..... On my way back from San Diego... I stopped in where else.... but Beverly Hills for dinner..... and I met... KIM KARDASHIAN... HOLY COW... It was totally amazing... I was so happy that I did..... So now I had met.. Kenndal Jenner, Bruce Jenner and now Kim Kardashian.... my life was complete at that momment... then the next day Rent was due... hahahah! and I am going to meet my favorite comedian celebrities.... Chelsea Lately.... (chelsea handler) i have enetered for tickets to her show and I hope i get them soon.... OMGsh I am so excited!!!!

So Cal is amazing and I think everyone should move here and have a great time.... California is amazing!!!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

My New Life,

So..... Its official.... I have a new Address.... that's all MINE!!!!!!
I AM SOOO EXCITED.... So I am going to share it with you guys in case anyone wants to write me or maybe one day want to visit....

Mr. Jeffrey Alexander Dundas
3622 #1 Ojai Road
Santa Paula, California 93060

I miss everyone so much and I hope to hear from you all very very soon!

Monday, June 15, 2009

My New California Do!!! AGH!!!

So Saturday, Mom officially declared that I had to get my hair cut once and for all.... So I went along with it and decided to go with her suggestion and get a "Ryan Seacrest" Hair cut...... and I doubted her at first along with my sister.... wasent quite sure what to expect when I did it..... but I decided it was going to be okay. So I had the hair cut and added a "few" more highlights to it... and this was the end result:
It actually turned out waay better then I THOUGHT!!!!

I absolutley love it!! I wish i had never doubted it and just went and did it without any question.... sorry Mom! but everyone in the family likes it a lot.... however it was over processed a little... as the stylist left me to fry underneath the R2D2 machiene for too long.... so now my ears are burned.... but all is good.

I absolutley love CA and I am so happy I am finally here.... I miss my family in MD and I miss my friends a lot also..... but I am really happy here and I know I dont belong anywhere else but California..... and I intend to stay here.... I will always visit MD... but return to live.... NO!
California is now my home and I am very excietd to continue my life here.

I miss you Mommy and Daddy and Andy and Of course my friends!!!!! MISS YOU GUYS SOOOO MUCH I COULD DIE!!!!!!
Write again soon! I'm going Shopping and to Santa Barabra!!!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Only Time Will Tell....

The time to move is almost here and as it inches more and more to the day the more nervous I get from thinking about living on my own back home in California.... I mean dont get me wrong I am really happy to go... but the whole thing about everything depending on me continues to haunt me. Hopefully my brain will grasp the idea and everything will be fine..... but only time will tell.

Today was another day in the life of a Mexican...... meaning me... hahha... spent most of the day out Shopping as usual .... buying some new things for my house and buying some new clothes... since my dad has now cut my Clothing allowence EVEN MORE!!! AYE... QUE CARRUMBUS!!!!
But this way.... I can get more clothes for school since I will not be able to shop for a while. I am still crying over that one........ no J.CREW.... AYE... Shoot me NOW!!!!! And My Stepbrother Sherman Graduated from High School today.... CONGRATS SHERMAN!! Your Awesome!

But I did that and Sent my boxes of clothes that I wanted to send ahead and painting and stuf for my new house that I want to put up..... I have these two aweome painting from Cuba that a resident from the buildng I used to work in gave them to me.... and I absolutley LOVE THEM!!!!
Shipping cost soooo much... but at least the hard part of the moving is now over.... since I cannot take any of my furniture with me... I will have to start from scratch when I get over there. OH WELL

Then I went to hang out with my best friend in the evening.... SO MUCH FUN... as usual... put the 2 f us together.... never a dull moment.... we worked on his ESPANISH proyecto and then just hung out together....

Then came home and started to write out this blog... I need to keep myself up to date on this thing so you guys can all see my life in the FAB LANE!
Still have things that I need to get done but everything will be okay

Till Next time!


Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Moving Day is almost here!

Hello Everyone!

As the tittle has indicated... there is little less then a week left before I move to California.... I am so Excited.... I can hardly stand it anymore.... I cannot wait to finally get out there!!!!
ugh!!! so exciting!!! Everything is gonna be great and I am going to have so much fun living in California!

My first set of boxes of clothes have now been sent to California and I have never really realized the amount of clothes I really have: along with Shoes, Bags and other accesories.... That I always use...... CRAZY CRAZY CRAZY!!!!!

My room is now almost bare and is ready for My brother to move into for himself.... while Andrew's room will be turned into a second library for all of my Daddy's books.... since he already has an office now.... he just wants a library for himslef also.... He deserves it!

Sooooo! In my last entry I wrote about how I got Botox,...... WELL GUESS WHO FOUND OUT!!!
MOTHER DEAR!!!! Great... what a wonderful conversation that was..... what was great is that it was not boring..... it was a combonation of languages..... Spanish and of course English..... She basically thinks that i am the craziset looniest Mexican on the face of the earth because a 19 year old went out and tried Botox..... HAHAHAH!
Well thats okay..... I did it and it was interesting and I will not do it again......... For a long time!
I dont want my Forhead... to look like a Flat screen TV....
Anywho....... Gotta go!


Friday, May 22, 2009


Like sands in the hour glass so are the days of our lives!

So today was the last day of working at the Bennington and my days of Drama and torture are OVER!!

So anywho... This weekend friends are coming to my house for a traditional Movie night....
I am so excited! On top of that I ate at this great restaurant in Rockville called ADDIES.... really good..... its all southern country style cooking. REALLY GOOD!

This morning I got My hair Highlighted a PLATINUM BLONDE and I went and got my traditional sports manicure from Elizabeth Arden.... LOVE that place so Nice!
Its so cool when they say Welcome back Mr. Dundas its good to see you again!
HA .... I know I'm a total LOSER!!!
but its cool!

My life is finally going in a direction I want it to go and I am so excited for what the future holds for me....... its going to be amazing.

I got to talk to my 2 BEST FRIENDS today and it was totally awesome!
Maddy (best friend 2) is going to be performing in the Musical Cats at her Middle school and I am so excited to see it..... The most amazing song that my dad and i performed a year ago at the Kennedy center is in that play: Memories by Andrew Lloyed Weber.... What an amazing composer and playwright.


And my other Best Friend Mack was in an awesome performence of Footloose this year which was totally awesome and I was having the best time ever!
They were soooo good... I was so Impressed!
I am now totally in love witht he Footloose soundtrack...... I know obsessed!

I also talked to my birthmom today which is always awesome! I love being and having this wonderful relationship with my birthmom.... Its like a Dream come true for me in a sence.... cause that hole that was yearning to know who I was, was finally fileld with answers and doubts and such...... LOVE YA MOM!

Everything in life is going right again.... and now that this job is over my life is mine again and no longer belongs to Foulger Pratt and I can go back to the way things were!


I love life and wouldent trade it for anything!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

One thing I forgot.....

One thing I forgot to mention... was.... I got Botox today for the very 1st time....
1 word.... (low voice) WOW!
It was a really weird experience and I am still having some trouble moving my eyebrows but hahahah!
I'm stupid but I thought it would be such a neat experience.... but after OW OW OW OW OW
maybe not again for a while.... hheheheh!

I really wish I could show a little more expression at the moment.... but I will be able to by tomorrow morning.

I know I am a retard but i thought it might be cool.... hahah! FROZEN FACE..... AWESOME!!!!

see ya guys!

Aye Aye Aye!

I have been hoping and praying for this day to come.... Thank Goodness its finally here!
The day I can Proudly say I am unemployed...... HA!... I know that sounds so stupid.... but hey dats da way I feel about this whole thing! hahahah!

Its been 8 months since I have started this job and I am glad its almost over.... hahaha.... I have been waiting for this for a long time... but I feel like this whole week is just going to be useless and dumb because I have to sit here and train someone else to take my position.... but oh well... as I told my best friend.... I get paid to sit here and play with my laptop and watch movies.... so Pop out the popcorn and here we go.....

Its coming up soon the day I leave MD and go back to California for my 3rd visit this year.... I have traveld so much this year its crazy.... but I always enjoy travling and seeing the world or in this case as much of Cali as possible since its been years since my days of living in LA. Oh well get back to old habits I guess.

So as I close a chapter in my life I am going to be starting a new one and a great one with My wonderful friends and Family.... very excited about that. However I am sad.... Extreamly sad to be loosing my very best friend as he and his family move back to Utah and I move to California. This will be one of the most difficult things I do in my whole life but i am prepared to move on with my life and start a new with new adventures. I will be the very first in my family to move out of the house by 19 yrs old and getting a house at 19.... but I have always been the different one and am not about to give up tradition for jeff.... hahahahaha!

Well World get Ready here comes Jeff!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Hello Everyone!

Well Well Well.......

Its been some time since I actually posted anything on my little blog.
So anywho....

So recently my Dad had Plastic Surgery to get himself a chin implant. He was so excited to to give himslef a really nice present for his birthday and he was soo excited. And on tuesday we returned to Dr. Richards office to have his Chin examined once again as a follow up visit, and it looks perfect. I am so happy for my daddy and that he treated himself for once instead of always giving the rest of us what we want. You go Daddy!

I have now quit my job and my last day is next week on Friday and I am so excited to finally be free from the Drama and the cut throght life of office politics! but thankfully its almost over and I am so excited to be free. One of my best frieinds Adriana is also Quitting her job tomorrow... and I am so proud of her...... I promise... her and I are going to celebrate that we are out of work....... Unemployment in the case of us.... WOOO HOOO!!!

So a little update on my move back to California....... I am currently 110% sure that I am moving and i am in the process of getting a home together for myself and getting my self prepared to move back home to California and attend school in the fall. I am soooo excited for this move and to be independent away from my parents is the best thing for me right now and also to be closer to my birth family. I am so excited to be closer to my Brothers and sisters.... that i can hardley wait to move and be where i really consider home....

So life is good life is great..... Drama is here... but thats part of life and you learn to get real and deal......

Monday, April 20, 2009


It has just been one heck of a weekend.... and I would deff. do it all over again....

Saturday rolled in and there was lots to do:

First thing was going over to the home of the sister that My dad and I home teach and helop her set up and arrange her apartment to give it a little more flash then from the other place she lived...... then I had a Piano lesson...... every week..... worked me to death... but thats cool and I can deal with that.... then dinner with Aunt Carey and Debra and then Came home.....

Sunday then rolls around and its business as usual.... since daddy had Plastic Surgery on Thursday he decided to stay home and continue to recover so Everyone else rode with me and off to church we went........ Church is always fun.... I am the Primary Pianist and the Ward Organist.... so I always have a great time..... we took pictures at church... with me and Trishi and I need to get some more pictures of everyone

Then a fireside at the Jensen's, I wanted to play Missionary tag... so I decided to get everyone involved... and we all had a great time..... It was then time to go home.... so I drove my best friend and his sister.... who is also a really good friend home....... It was an awesome night and one of the best weekends ever..... and I am so happy that for once...I was able to relax and enjoy a weekend.... without having to be pulled everywhere.

Friday, April 17, 2009

So Many Presents..... and its not even Christmas


First of all: its Friday and this weekend is gonna be amazing.

2nd: I got my very 1st Personal Laptop today..... All of the other laptops I have had have been work ones.... so... it hasnent been the same.
I love my laptop and the best thing is..... I worked for it and didnt have it handed to me.

3rd..... got a new camera today because.... my last camera I left on the plane when I came back from visiting my birthfamily and like an Idiot... I actually tried to get it back. hahahah! Right.... a camera with a free memory card.

This weekend is gonna be amazing... I am going to help a sister in my ward decorate and arrange her furniture in her apartment, and I am going for My piano rehearsal... which I always look forward to with grief...... cause I know she is gonna work me to death. HAHAHA!

Oh well.... practice makes perfect, as they say!

and more good news this week... I now do not have to buy furniture for my apartment.... My cousins gave me furniture that they did not want anymore.... so I got a Couch, Bed with a frame... that has drawers..... plus a wonderful glass dinning room table from my Tia Lupe.
I am very greatful for how much my family is looking out for me! Its great when family comes together to help everyone out!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Some Enchanted Evening!

That song has been stuck in my head all day!

oh well..... its just been another day in the life of Jeff and its FABULOUS!!!!
Today was my last day of house sitting in Bethesda and today I returned home. I considered that my spring vacation living on my own for 6 days and it was amazing. I would def. do it all over again.

But then I got to work and my old life came back again as reports were due and accounts needed to be closed for the building. Nothing new in the life of a slave of Property Management. Nothing new at all......

Thankfully I was able to talk to my Birthmom Melissa today which is always WONDERFUL and I always look foreward to her phone calls and Text messages from my sisters. I love my Birthfamily and My Family soo oooo much and can never get enough of either.

So far so good I think...... I am now in the process of getting a powerbook for school and I think i am going to get a Macbook.... they are deff. my favorites they are SO GREAT!

Monday, April 13, 2009

The Start of My Blog

Well here we go.... This day officially starts the day of my Blog.... as things in my life are going to be going in a very different direction within the next couple of months......

1. I will be leaving a job that i am really not happy in and wil be over come with joy when my last day rolls around.

2. I will be seeing My sisters and Brother Graduate from there schools and moving on with their lives ina new direction and will get to be with my beyond wonderful Birth family again.

3. I will be saying good bye to two of my greatest friends as they relocate back to their homestate of Utah.... I will miss them dearly!

and finally my big one: I will be moving out of my house and on my own as I relocate myself back to my homestate of California. I had lived there before and we currently have a residence in La Jolla, California. I am very excited to be able to move back home and be closer to my family and be able to live on my own...... The part I am bummed about is sayiong goodbye to my firends and My Mommy and My Daddy and my little brother Andrew and Herman (my Bosendorffer Piano) as i will be unable to bring him out to California with me as he is 13' long and will most deff. not fit in my apartment. But the exciting this is that i will be starting back in school after a year off and having fun ... I will be able to resume my education and have a great time fullfilling my new dream to become a Dentist one day.

This is really a big step in my life but I am sure My Heavenly Father is watching over me as move on to a new step in my life. I know he will help me with anything I need and will help me overcome my Trials and Tribulations but I know that my sacrifices and hardships will really pay off in the long run.... That i deff. have faith in.

My mom always says... If you want something so much that your willing to do anything to get it..... Then push everyone outta the way and go for it.